
Carol Harrison B.Ed. is a storyteller, speaker, writer, teacher,and facilitator who loves to share from her heart one on one or with any size of group.

You can reach Carol via:
email: carol@carolscorer.ca
phone: 306 230 5808

twitter: @CarolHarrison6

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Archive for 'Storytelling'

Holiday Adventures: Drayton North Dakota

We planned to take a holiday last summer but plans had to change and we postponed it until this year. We checked the calendar, searched for information and plotted our journey on a map. Excitement grew as the day for leaving approached. We loaded the packed bags into the car and double checked that we […]

Ready For Adventure

What constitutes adventure in your life? There are times our family has lived an adventurous life – at least other people tell me when they hear some of my stories. This city girl married a farm boy almost forty-three years ago and our adventure together began. We had both trained as teachers and needed a […]

Take Off the Masks

Masks, some beautiful creations – bejeweled, trimmed in feathers and brilliant colours, hide the wearer’s identity. They can serve a purpose at a fun masked party or ball. They might work well in an artistic dramatic event or even grace the walls of our homes to add beauty and mystery. Yet how often do we […]


Have you ever had a makeover? Did you have a change of hairstyle or colour, or maybe some wardrobe updates? A few years ago I knew I needed a lifestyle makeover – a time to change my behaviours with my eating and getting more active. My asthma had been under control for at least two […]

Fresh Start

Spring – a time of fresh starts for trees, plants and bird families. As my husband and I drove to Edmonton at the end of April, we noticed cows in the pasture with calves by their sides. A friend of mine raises sheep and she has posted a few photos of lambs, twins, born in […]


Spring arrived in March according to the calendar. However, here in Saskatchewan the spring season often does not truly arrive until late April or into May. The temperatures today, the green in the grass and a few early flowers poking their valiant heads through the winter debris show me that spring is finally here. I […]

Chicken Soup for the Soul: Best Mom Ever book

Chicken Soup for the Soul released their latest compilation of 101 short stories in the book Best Mom Ever. It landed on store shelves March 21, 2017 but my copies arrived ten days ago. I love the cover of this book with its spring like colors and the title of the book is in raised […]

Coincidence or Divine Appointments?

We had spent the day in Moose Jaw, SK at a provincial horse event where our youngest daughter, Amee, helped in the stalls with CK Horse Horizons team. Amee’s love of horses was relatively new and she relished the time of learning and hanging out with horse people. With Saskatoon almost in sight, a passing […]

Using the Five Senses In Writing

Since I began writing a few years ago, one piece of advice I have heard and read many times is that writers need to show not tell to engage their audiences. How do I show and not simply retell a scene? Beth Goobie, an award winning author of twenty-four published books said during a workshop, […]

How Writing Makes You Feel?

I attended a workshop for writers this past Saturday and answering the question, “How does writing make you feel?” was the first writing exercise. I looked at the blank lines of the paper in front of me, my pen clutched in my fingers, poised to write – what? I looked around the room and saw […]