
Carol Harrison B.Ed. is a storyteller, speaker, writer, teacher,and facilitator who loves to share from her heart one on one or with any size of group.

You can reach Carol via:
email: carol@carolscorer.ca
phone: 306 230 5808

twitter: @CarolHarrison6

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Chicken Soup for the Soul: Best Mom Ever book


Chicken Soup for the Soul released their latest compilation of 101 short stories in the book Best Mom Ever. It landed on store shelves March 21, 2017 but my copies arrived ten days ago. I love the cover of this book with its spring like colors and the title of the book is in raised lettering.

I have a story in this book titled The Sewing Machine. My mother spent many hours at her Singer sewing machine creating wonderful clothes, blankets and beautiful Barbie doll clothes for me to play with. As I reminisced about my mother while writing this short story, I realized how blessed I have been. My mother showed her love for family by how she cared for us – not just the practical like meals prepared, blankets sewn and quilted to keep us warm and clothes for me to wear. She went beyond the practical and offered me a wardrobe for my doll that made my friends jealous. As a young teen she helped make dresser scarves (back when they were in fashion) and throw pillows to dress up my room.


Writing stories about family, my growing up years and life with our family gives me opportunities to take a trip down memory lane. I have the chance to share them with my children and grandchildren and by writing them down they will be here long after I am unable to still tell them. Occasionally one of my stories gets bought and published like this story about my mom and the sewing she did out of necessity and love.

When I let my family and friends know the book had arrived, my oldest two daughters responded with, “Cool we get a book for Christmas.” My son asked if he had to wait for Christmas. The tradition I started with my first published work was to give a copy of it to my adult children for Christmas. Obviously they still enjoy receiving my published writing.

What memories have you shared with your family and friends? Have you written any of the stories down? Have you had the experience of holding a book in your hand in which one of your stories has been published? I am still amazed when a book arrives or a magazine publishes one of my pieces of writing. Maybe the computer is like my sewing machine as I create stories and write reminisces to give to my family.

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