Spring arrived in March according to the calendar. However, here in Saskatchewan the spring season often does not truly arrive until late April or into May. The temperatures today, the green in the grass and a few early flowers poking their valiant heads through the winter debris show me that spring is finally here. I enjoy the time of emerging new life – the shades of green, the tiny leaves starting to fill out bare tree branches, and birds singing early in the morning outside my window. Many people are itching to get into their yards and gardens, to prepare for a new growing season. I, however, am not a gardener.
My mother and her mother before her knew how to coax large quantities of vegetables out of even a tiny plot of land. They both loved to add flowers to their yards and gardens, enjoying the rich colours and attracting bees to help pollinate plants.
My oldest daughter enjoys time in her garden, starting plants early in her house, and trying new varieties. Occasionally the new variety is actually a heritage seed. I think the gardening gene skipped my generation, leaving me to listen to the plans of others, reminisce about my mother’s garden and maybe in a few months enjoy the fruits of other people’s labours.
Yet spring is a time of renewal. A time when the winter is over and trees and plants can once again grow. Flowers, even dandelions, add touches of colour for us to enjoy after the drabness of winter.
Are you a gardener? Do you enjoy starting seeds in your home as winter draws to a close? Do you enjoy the feel of the dirt beneath your feet and on your hands? Or are you like me – enjoying what others plant, watching nature dress in spring colours and birds build their nests?
Whatever you enjoy, take time to contemplate this season of renewal and new life.
Posted: May 5th, 2017 under goals, Storytelling.