
Carol Harrison B.Ed. is a storyteller, speaker, writer, teacher,and facilitator who loves to share from her heart one on one or with any size of group.

You can reach Carol via:
email: carol@carolscorer.ca
phone: 306 230 5808

twitter: @CarolHarrison6

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Archive for 'puzzle pieces of life'

Putting the Puzzle Pieces of Life Together

I saw a display of puzzles at a store the other day with interesting pictures on the box. Some had beautiful scenes but others included a display of cupcakes, memorabilia or other objects. Puzzles seem to have photos to appeal to a variety of tastes and interests. When you buy a puzzle, crack open that […]

Abundant Life – Journey or Destination?

> When life is a tangle of puzzle pieces that do not seem to fit together we wonder how a beautiful picture will ever take shape with this abundant -plentiful number of pieces. In John 10:10 Jesus says that he has not come like a thief to steal, kill and destroy. He has not come […]

Life Lessons from a Puzzle – Thriving on Challenges

There are challenges ahead. Maybe we have already discovered the latest challenge in our life. The challenges may be tough stuff over which we feel we have no control and really do not want to accept them let alone try and thrive while experiencing them. The challenge may be something new you are starting – […]

Life Lessons from a Puzzle – Observation

I often watched my father work on putting a puzzle together. He always searched for the edge pieces first. It gave him a starting point and they were often easier to spot with their one smooth side. Yet once the edge was complete he needed to begin to assemble the picture. Almost a thousand pieces […]

Life Lessons from a Puzzle – Patience

I look at all the puzzle pieces from a large picture puzzle scattered across the table and wonder how someone will find where they all belong. I have no patience for trying each piece until I find the one that fits. When I watched my father put a puzzle together, I noticed he looked, stared […]

Comfort One Another

Comfort. The word evokes pictures of warm, fuzzy feelings, a sense of security and help. We hear about comfort food – mine is chocolate and sweet things and it shows on my figure or lack of one. I think of my children and their security blankets – comfort they could carry with them and snuggle […]

Be Kind To One Another

Being kind, according to the dictionary includes things like being friendly, generous and considerate. I read one time that kindness is love in working clothes. It involves doing something nice for someone else to show them we care. I love this word picture from scripture – clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness. . . Put it […]

Forgive One Another

People mess up and hurt each other with words and actions. Oh wait – we are all those people at some point in our lives for we are an imperfect people living in a broken world. I do not set out to hurt someone else but I have done it. I feel so bad afterwards. […]

Affirmation – Build One Another Up

The dictionary defines affirmation as emotional support or encouragement. To affirm someone means to offer them emotional support or to validate. Some of the synonyms include add to, develop, promote, improve, boost, enhance, reinforce and strengthen. What powerful words! I often hear people, and not just young people, putting each other down. Sometimes in the […]

Encourage One Another

The dictionary defines encourage as giving support, confidence or hope to someone. In the Bible it talks about encouraging and building one another up together. To me encouragement is giving someone support, helping them be confident that they are not alone. It is great to be able to recite Bible passages and know what they […]