Decluttering Life – paperwork
I have thought a lot about decluttering – the cleaning up and organinzing in various areas of my life in the last year – well even before that but it is a reoccurring theme for me. I do not think I need to only analyze and possibly change things only at the beginning of a calendar year. What better time to refresh areas of my life than in the spring – a time of renewal.
When I was growing up spring cleaning the house from top to bottom was an annual event, along with a good fall cleaning. We lived in a three story house on a small lot and my mother, in her efficiency, had her small garden plot planted quickly each year. However before that could happen the entire inside of the house must be scrubbed, reorganized and made fresh. I usually had to dust or damp dust every piece of furniture and baseboards while my mother looked after the high places and intricate, fragile ornaments. Blankets received a good wash and often were hung on the line to dry and soak up the freshness of the sunshine. I had to sort my own belongings – which were few – and make sure everything had a place.
Today I don’t follow as rigid a schedule as my mother did. I do not have an outside line to hang pillows and heavy bedding on to air out. But I do like to take time to make sure everything gets tidied up and some extra cleaning happens.
One thing I do is declutter my paperwork. Taxes are complete so it is a good time to recycle unnecessary files. My computer files often need organizing into file folders or the delete needs to be used on some.
I need to know where to find ideas I have jotted down to write about, important papers and have room at my desk to actually accomplish what I set out to do without spending all my time looking for that one piece of paper I know I stashed somewhere for just this time.
I find if I do not organize my paperwork and recycle on a regular basis I feel like I can not find anything and I despair of accomplishing anything. I like to freshen up my work space by decluttering and organizing in the spring – this time of renewal even if it does not stay tidy and needs to have periodic updates.
How about you? What do you do in the spring to help declutter your paperwork and work space?
Posted: May 12th, 2017 under Fresh Starts, goals.