Light & Shadows
Every puzzle picture, every photo, and images we see each day contain elements of light and shadow. Our lives also contain both of these – light and shadows. Yet as we look at the picture of the finished puzzle the shadows are an intricate part of making the entire picture less boring. A flat, all one colour picture with no shading, no shadows, no variance of colour does not attract or keep our attention.
Looking at this sunset photo we realize that both shadow and light are needed, along with the colours to provide us with details, with depth and with something to catch our eye.
In life we equate the light to the happy times, the good things and the positive memories. The shadows are those tough times, the dark moments we would rather not think about and wish we never had to live through. Yet the Bible tells us that part of our growth in life involves suffering trials – tough stuff, bumps in the road that may seem like mountains.
I Peter 1: 6-8 says,
In this ( salvation) you greatly rejoice, even though nowyou have to suffer various trials in order that the genuinesness of your faith, which is more precious than gold that perishes though it is tried by firemay be found to result in praise, glory and honour at the revelation of Jesus Christ, whom having not seen,, you love and in whom, though you do not see him now, you believe and you rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory.
In James 1: 2-4 we read,
My brothers ( and I say sisters also) count it all joy when you fall into diverse trials knowing that the trying of your faith develops patience. But let patience perfect its work that you may be perfect nd complete, lacking nothing.
Oh how I hate to be patient at times, especially in the tough times of life. I want to have those times over quickly and yet God has a plan and a purpose. Even when, in the middle of the hard things, the shadows of life, I can not understand what purpose they might have in my life, I need to trust God and rely on Him.
Often, looking back, when the light once again shines and good times or easier times have arrived, I see things I have learned. I still do not enjoy those hard times, the bumps and pieces of the puzzle that do not seem to fit and yet I can rejoice that God has not changed in His love to me.
We all have shadows in our lives – some deeper and darker than others. How do we keep those depths of darkness from overshadowing the bright spots of today and the sunshine of tomorrow? How can we allow ourselves to learn the lessons, grasp the intensity of loss and focus on the surrounding beauty? For myself, I can not do it on my own. I must trust God, the one who knows the beginning from the end of my journey but it is not always easy.
May we all remember that the light and shadows are both part of the big picture.
Posted: October 6th, 2017 under puzzle pieces of life, Storytelling.