
Carol Harrison B.Ed. is a storyteller, speaker, writer, teacher,and facilitator who loves to share from her heart one on one or with any size of group.

You can reach Carol via:
email: carol@carolscorer.ca
phone: 306 230 5808

twitter: @CarolHarrison6

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Countdown to Christmas


December 1, 2016 and the countdown to Christmas has begun. Do you look forward, with eager anticipation, to celebrating Christmas or do you dread the upcoming event? For many this time of year accentuates the loneliness of a first Christmas without a loved one – it will for me this year since my father passed away in July. Others bemoan the fact they cannot afford the biggest and best gift on their children’s wish list or that their gift budget runs out before the number of people they would like to remember with some token. There are folks who hate the commercialization of the season or the political correct climate present in our country. In the frustration of what should not happen we forget the positives, do not focus on the reason for the season.

I have found myself guilty over the years of losing focus on the coming of the Messiah – baby Jesus, born in the manger. At times I worry about having the right gift for each person on my list or wanting to decorate the house in the latest Christmas trends. I have had years when celebrating has seemed more than I could imagine with the loss of someone special, illnesses or hurts of others that weighed on my heart.

My budget will always be smaller than the gifts I might like to give yet finding a creative way to remember those on my list can be a lot of fun. My house is decorated, to a point, but not necessarily in the latest trends since I have eclectic tastes and I have finally given myself permission to enjoy the mix. I have learned that tears happen, even when the world around says it should be a happy time and I empathize more with others who are lonely and hurting. Throughout the years I am grateful when I have returned my focus to the Nativity, to the love of God shown in such a tangible way.

This December I have some celebrations, plans with the grandchildren to make home made chocolates and gifts to plan, buy and wrap. I also plan to share some Christmas stories on this blog to help us countdown to Christmas, reflect on the reason for the season and maybe bring a smile to brighten your day.

What happens in your countdown to Christmas? How do you keep the focus on the reason for the season?

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