
Carol Harrison B.Ed. is a storyteller, speaker, writer, teacher,and facilitator who loves to share from her heart one on one or with any size of group.

You can reach Carol via:
email: carol@carolscorer.ca
phone: 306 230 5808

twitter: @CarolHarrison6

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My web page, Carol’s Corner has been up and running for a few years, but this blog is a new endeavor for me. I enjoy the opportunity to connect with others in real life and through the on line community. My blog will be a place to share things that resonate with me and come from the heart.

Helen Keller said, “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart.” There are the beautiful things I think of such as the hug from family or friends, especially in a time of crisis. I am filled with wonder by the trust of a child, able to fall asleep in your arms and know they are safe. But there are also the times of deep grief which touch our hearts in a way that no words can express. When we least expect it, something will shed a ray of light and hope. What touches you deeply? What comes from a deep place inside that our senses do not begin to describe how we feel?

May your day be filled with beauty deep within your heart and may it colour your world with love and hope.

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